
As podsolization (also sour bleaching) is called in soil science, the process of rearrangement of organometallic compounds in the soil by seeping water out of the tops in the subfloor. The podsolization found especially among poorly decomposed organic matter such as pine needles, are washed out of the organic acids, which mobilize the iron in the soil and make displaced. The shifted from an ashen gradually becoming Eluvialhorizont Ae in a brown-black to red-brown illuvial horizon Fe compounds and Al oxides, can there in strong iron accumulation in the formation of hardened Orterde or continue to hardpan. The resulting soil type is called podzol.

In the course of soil development or pedogenesis takes the podsolization of a soil in the interaction of a cool - temperate, humid to very humid climate and acidification which promotes plant growth, so klimaphytomorph on. It is characterized by mixed forest, coniferous forest and dwarf shrubs ( heathers ) and vegetation. As a parent rock is typically found Si - rich, Ca - and Mg - poor, well drained soil - sandy soil - which develop as soil type sequence on Ranker or brown earth to the podzol. Podzols are typical of boreal climates among tundra and taiga, but are also found in Central Europe, and occasionally in the humid tropics.
