Poe Toaster

The Poe Toaster is a mysterious figure that the late American author Edgar Allan Poe pays tribute annually. She wears a black coat and a black hat; her face is veiled.

The enigmatic tradition of the Poe Toaster was first observed in 1949 by passers-by. Since then watch this every year numerous visitors from Poe's grave. In the early morning hours of the birthday of Poe (January 19 ) wrapped in a black man appears, enters the Westminster Hall in Baltimore, Maryland, and then goes to the cemetery and on to the grave. There, the Poe Toaster settles three roses and a small bottle of cognac. It is said that the roses are for these three people: Poe himself, his wife Virginia, and his stepmother, Maria Clemm. Why the toaster still puts added a small bottle of cognac to the grave, nobody was able to answer. Many of these bottles but have been collected and stored by the Edgar Allan Poe Society.

Nowadays, there are a number of reporters and Poe devotees who observe this traditional process of Poe's birthday targeted. No one has so far revealed the identity of the cloaked ones, and now guards are also out of respect for the tradition not to do it. The Mysterious it fits very well with the style of the late author. This is exactly what one would like to preserve that.

In 2010, the mysterious stranger is the first time in 61 years did not appear. Dozens Poe fans waited in vain for the appearance of well-wishers. The reason for the abrupt end of his visits to the grave is a mystery.
