
Seal means a creative process, which is limited depending on the definition of the poetic genre of poetry, or other art forms such as music and painting with includes.

Poetry and poetry

In contrast to the internationally accepted term " poetry " is poetry in a specifically German word formation, with a slight shift of viewpoint is accompanied: poetry, the poetic theory, the range of poetic genres. The word seal referred to also capture the literary product and the production process, which it owes to the densities (from MHG ti [c ] LUMINAIRES " create, invent, contrive, arrange " for dictating from Latin dictare ", put, couch "; common and not without effect on the development of meaning, however, the derivation of vulgäretymologische is dense, through which the notion of a compression of the statement is evoked ). Seal is used in its broader sense in literature with artistic merit at all, the beautiful literature so-called relative, as in verses articulated also in the narrow sense on, written in so-called bound language texts, to which, in contrast to prose Fiction metric, rhythmic, in free verse or free verse of Modern poetry drafted, strophige and disaster -free, rhyming and not rhyming texts are alike. Both uses of the term gasket take off the artificiality, the invention of the sealed if not fictitious. It is often called the difficult poetry translations paraphrase. In a figurative sense is also spoken in the music of symphonic poem or tone poem. Referred Unlike poetry poetry not the particular poetic mood or the poetic expression of an art or a situation in nature.

Conceptual history

The fictionality - she had played a crucial role in poetry criticism of Plato, but was relegated to the background in poetry debate over formal criteria for a long time - moved into the debate on the seal in the 18th century to the center. At the same time, the term allowed in the German talk a heightened reflection on the poet as the one who creates a higher world, the world of his poetry to reality. For details, see poetry in the article.

In the 19th century - was redefined as literature on the field of linguistic traditions - the word in German the term for the " narrow sense" in the literature considering employing saving production. In the 20th century it lost against a neutral speaking of literature in importance. " Poet " were so widespread perception authors bring the "true and great art " - a statement of quality was connected thereto, which was not necessarily aimed at the exchange of literature longer. The word fell with National Socialism who continued ideas of the 19th century by the poet demanded the role of the visionary and spiritual leader of the people, in a discredited, the only half-heartedly with a call for a return to the literature of the 1950s and 1960s the lasting values ​​and thus quite a new discourse about poetry, confronted. Speaking of poetry lost with the currents of the literature that came with the 1960 from structuralism to the sociology of literature, important.

Today's use

As a seal is now known primarily set in verse works especially of the Middle Ages ( " minstrel seal " and similar genus improvements reflect the concept continues ) and the German epochs from Sturm und Drang to the pre-March - here seems to be the notion of advantage over the poetry term, with the widely more of a tradition bow from antiquity and Aristotle in the 18th century and the time Gottscheds is stretched - a bow, which hardly allowed to attach medieval seal value, and a bow, from which the German " poet " of the late 18th and early 19th century detached.


  • It hot, " seal arises from the already calmed memory of a sense experience. " ( William Somerset Maugham: " Julia, you're enchanting novel.. " Translator of the original " Theatre": Renate Seiller (1937 ), Verlag Volk und Welt, Berlin 1983, p 318 below)