Point of Sale

The term of sale (English: Point of Purchase, POP, or Point of Sale, POS) called in marketing from the perspective of the consumer shopping site, mostly a POS workstation, and from the supplier's perspective, the point of sale.


In the broadest sense, a sale of the building or shopping center, where there is a sales business is located. A highly visible design of the building, the facade and outdoor advertising ( lettering, neon signs ) is important to achieve long-range effect and already attract potential customers from afar. Strictly speaking the sale here is the business itself is Creatively a welcoming entrance design, showcase design, color and lighting design important. The provider wants with the presentation of the goods in the shop window or at a point of sale ( in the business, for example: Regal ) trigger the buyer positive emotions and arouse a need for this product. The cashier should not be possible from the entrance area forth in view, so as not equal to remind the customers that he has to pay for his purchase ( positive feeling ) ( negative emotion ).

The design of stores with self-service has the task of bringing the customer in the rear division, so that the entire area is used optimally. This was mainly the lighting design is important: The brightness of the lighting shall from the entrance to the rearmost area increase towards. The placement of the shelves is done according to specific plans that take into account the so-called overflow logic. Science of the gaze behavior of consumers is based on these plans. For example, applies the right corner behind the front door as a very weak sale. All areas that the customer right in front of eyes, apply as a sales strong. Therefore, a lot of additional shelves are apparently made ​​" in the way " - they come on and lead to increased sales of the products presented. Also very important is the level design. One speaks basically of three levels, which relate to the shelf height. Only the first ( = lowest) level is used for direct sales. It is further divided into the optimal sales area, which lies in the gripping and eye level of consumers as well as in the Buck and stretching area, both of which are comparatively sale weaker. Goods whose sale is to be promoted, must be placed at eye level. The uppermost so-called " third level " is the orientation of the customer and includes signs and symbols on the underlying goods offered ( as so-called Aufblasriesen; these are huge inflated with air advertising, for example, a giant banana for the fruit department or an oversized stuffed animal for the toy department ).

Are often the point of sale ( seller view) or the PoP (buyers view) encourages impulse purchases especially at the last minute before paying at checkout. Often goods are placed not only at its regular place on the shelf, but also before checkout. This is called a secondary offering. Since the customer decides whether to buy a product, a pleasing, attractive display of goods is especially important. The selling points are in addition to displays, " shelf - stoppers " window adhesives, demo and tasting booths, action panels, arrows, " rotairs " ( moving billboards, hanging on a cord from the ceiling and rotate around its own axis ), baskets, towers, floor adhesives, article feed systems and other equipped and supported.

The background music ( just above the prevailing noise level, rather instrumentals ) and the scenting also plays an important supporting role. Also, the general atmosphere such as temperature and humidity must not be underestimated.

Since the sale is made by the consumer to a commercial company, this is from a marketing perspective, an essential part of the dealership Images dar.

Electronic Point of Sale

An Electronic Point of Sale ( EPOS ) is a system that is also found in retail. If a product is sold at the box office (bar code is scanned ), selling over a computer system is compared to the stock. The product is taken out of the inventory and classified as sold.
