Polar easterlies

Polar air is a cold, atmospheric flow on the northern hemisphere, which has its origin in the polar region and usually makes its way across the sea towards land in moderate latitudes.

Definition and delimitation

In weather reports for the northern hemisphere, especially in Europe, is meant by polar air generally cold, originating from polar latitudes air masses usually move over ocean surface to the south and the access to Central Europe in the wake of low pressure areas from the Northeast Atlantic from Russia. From Subpolarluft one speaks when the air masses instead of the inner polar area, the segment Iceland or Greenland originate.

Effect in Central Europe / Germany

In their way out of the polar regions over the relatively warm waters of the Atlantic, the Arctic air absorbs a lot of moisture. In the air masses arise from snow and rain storms and often resist strong winds.

According Central Europe maritime polar air pushes frequently over the North Atlantic and the North Sea. In the winter, it provides regularly for wet cold weather. In the German low mountain polar air is the cause of greater amounts of snow.

  • Wind
  • Climatology