Polar vortex

The two polar vortex over the Arctic and Antarctic are large scale height lows and essential elements of the atmospheric circulation. There are cold air zones due to the negative radiation balance of the polar regions. They occur in the polar winter; Then, the difference in temperature is particularly large.

In the height of the air pressure decreases poleward from clearly than he at ground level increases in this direction. The pressure differences are Coriolis forces circumpolar currents meet, close to the ground weak, in the amount strong eastward.

The northern polar vortex often has two centers due to the uneven distribution of water warm and cold land masses and is destroyed faster in the spring. The polar vortex at the south pole is stronger and more durable because the Roaring Forties are barely held back by land masses.

The inclusion of the polar air mass is a cause of the ozone hole. Another is the very low temperatures, especially high above Antarctica.

Average every two years occurs in the winter in the northern hemisphere to the phenomenon of sudden stratospheric warming that is associated with a breakdown of the polar vortex.
