
The poland - rundschau is the first and only nationally published German -language newspaper in Poland since the Second World War. It is published monthly in April 2004, place of publication, the Polish capital Warsaw. Issuer is the journalist Gudrun Goeller. The poland - rundschau appears in four colors on twelve to 16 pages in tabloid format, which roughly corresponds to the size of DIN A3. Your pad is at least 5,000 copies, in so-called special supplements ( financed by advertising extra pages ) significantly more. The editors of poland - rundschau is entirely independent of the influence of third parties - such as political parties or associations. That and its nationwide distribution area they stand out from the rest appearing in Poland German-language newspapers, which are usually worn by the associations or parties of the German minority. The poland - rundschau is funded entirely from the ads, subscriptions and the sale connected in her.

The paper is aimed primarily at German living in Poland and Poles who have a special interest in Germany or the German language and culture. For the German readers, there are also regular regional studies contributions to Polish culture. The range of topics covers everything from politics, latest news about the economy to culture, current affairs, sport and event notices as well as various headings, the newly arrived Germans are supposed to make life easier. Another priority for the newspaper on the background to the German - Polish relations. The website of the newspaper has a daily or weekly current offer depending on the subject area. With the publication of the current issue there is the side -1 - theme, usually an editorial on the website.

Regularly write the editor in chief Mirko Kaupat and the free business journalist Sebastian Becker for the newspaper. Otherwise, freelance writers deliver the items, for example, members of the research network " n-ost ", an association of living for the majority of journalists in Eastern Europe. The appearance of poland - rundschau designed Emese Szénás, a layout artist from Vienna. Since the summer of 2006, the Journal has Heiko Lossie with a permanent staff in Germany. Also notable guest writers such as Thomas Urban, Eastern Europe correspondent for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, write for the paper.

From exclusive interviews of the monthly newspaper, about Erika Steinbach, Władysław Bartoszewski, Gesine Schwan or quote Rudi Pawelka Polish, but also German media again and again.

In April 2006, attracted the poland - rundschau much attention as she auctioned on the Internet auction site eBay. A not yet publicly called buyer from Germany secured the contract. Since then, poland - around looking at the print shop of the Lusatian Rundschau is printed, the new owner is not but. The newspaper is moved further in Warsaw.

The March issue of 2008 was the last printed edition of poland - rundschau. Since the April 2008 issue of the poland - rundschau is a purely electronic medium. The current output is sent as a PDF via e- mail to subscribers. This measure was not only for financial and organizational reasons, necessary or advantageous. The electronic distribution is also an improvement for subscribers who many complained about it, that they poland - rundschau not rarely received due to the slow delivery of mail until two weeks after publication. Since the cost of printing and mailing eliminated, the price of an annual subscription at 10 euros was reduced. With the publication of the June issue of the publication rhythm has been moved to the beginning of the month, making the May issue was omitted.

  • Chief Editor: Mirko Kaupat
  • Publisher: New Press Polska