Policía Foral

The Policía Foral de Navarra ( in Basque Nafarroako Foruzaingoa ) is since 1982 the Autonomous Police of the Spanish region of Navarra.

It was founded in 1929 under the name Policía de Carreteras (German: Street police) and had, due to the fact that Navarre has its own regional infrastructure, monitoring traffic to the task. Since the valid today Statute of Autonomy of 1982, there is however, in addition to the Ertzaintza ( Basque Country ) and the Mossos d' Esquadra (Catalonia ) to one of three police forces, which report directly to an autonomous community in Spain, and in these regions the tasks Civil Guard take over. Currently, the Policía Foral has about 1,100 police officers (2010), medium term project is targeted to increase to around 1,200.
