
  • Severo, proconsul (baritone )
  • Felice, Governor ( bass)
  • Poliuto, Richter ( Tenor)
  • Paolina, his wife, daughter of the governor (soprano )
  • Callistene, High Priest of Jupiter ( bass)
  • Nearco, leader of the Christian ( bass)
  • A Christian (Tenor)
  • Christians, judge, priest of Jupiter, Armenian people, Roman warriors (chorus )

Poliuto is an opera in three acts by Gaetano Donizetti. The libretto Salvatore Cammarano, based on the tragedy " Polyeucte " by Pierre Corneille. The work was written in 1838. Initially, it was listed as Les Martyrs on April 10, 1840 in Paris. The world premiere of the original version was posthumously on November 30, 1848 at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples.


Armenia at the time of persecution of Christians: Poliuto is secretly converted to Christianity. His wife Paolina, continue follower of the cult of Jupiter, it therefore makes allegations. Severo, formerly Paolina's lover, comes as proconsul to Armenia to take action against the Christians. Poliuto believes that his wife is cheating on him with Severo. As a Christian leader Nearco is brought to justice, Poliuto committed publicly to Christianity. After Paolina has vainly asked at Severo for mercy for her husband, she also converts to Christianity, to die together with Poliuto martyred.


Because the libretto was objected to by the censors, Donizetti revised the work for the premiere in Paris, where it as " Les Martyrs " received its premiere in 1840. This version was played in 1841 in Hamburg and Vienna and 1843 in Lisbon, before it came to the premiere of the original version in Naples in 1848. Was held in 1960, a reissue of the original version with Maria Callas as Paolina at La Scala.

