Polster Valley Wheel House

51.79944444444410.416388888889525Koordinaten: 51 ° 47 ' 58 "N, 10 ° 24' 59" O

Location of upholstered Taler Zechenhaus in Lower Saxony

The cushion Taler mine house is located in Polstertal about three kilometers from Altenau away in the Upper Harz and is surrounded by a campsite.


The 1729 -built Zechenhaus operation until the early 20th century, with water wheels, the lifting system of the cushion Berger Hubhauses.

Altenau | Dammhaus | Gemkenthal | upholstery Taler Zechenhaus | Torfhaus

  • Building of the Upper Harz Water Regale
  • Altenau