Polybius (freedman)

Gaius Julius Polybius († 47 AD) was an influential Roman freedman under Emperor Claudius.

Polybius was released by Emperor Caligula. In the reign of Claudius he enjoyed the special confidence of the Emperor, who received him into his circle of advisors. His job was to advise the emperor. As the holder of the office a libellis he was responsible for the petitions to the Emperor, he had to organize and present it to the Emperor. He was also the librarian and counselor to the emperor in education. It is disputed whether he exercised the office of a studiis. Maybe he was also responsible for recommending and setting of the people who had provided for the various promotions and offices of the emperor. The relationship with Claudius ' wife Messalina cost him his life. Tradition has it also that Polybius had several brothers and son and wife.
