Polypodium vulgare

Usually Polypody ( Polypodium vulgare)

The Ordinary Polypody ( Polypodium vulgare ) is a known as " Engelsüß " species of the genus Tüpfelfarne ( Polypodium ).


The evergreen and perennial spreads as a rhizome or creeping Geophyt Chamaephyt and often forms dense stands. The leaves are pinnate two lines alternate, entire, and remain green all year. To Sporenreife from July to October are particularly conspicuous on the undersides of the leathery, mostly dark green, up to 50 cm long leaves the eponymous, circular " tüpfelartigen " Sori.


Polypodium vulgare is considered semi-shade plant, the winter mild, moderately dry, mostly lime-free humus and some locations are preferred. It comes naturally in light oak and birch woods and on shady walls and bushes, in humid areas, but also on sand, rocks and shallow - loamy soil. Rare, at high humidity, the fern grows - in Europe than only domestic plant sprout - a real epiphyte on the bark of trees, which are then usually covered with moss.

The Ordinary Polypody has a circumpolar distribution. The species occurs at corresponding locations in the Atlantic Europe frequently.


The long chaff shed occupied and sometimes thick tuberous rhizomes - this type have high levels of glycyrrhizin and various sugars a sweet taste, to which also the old German name suggests Engelsüß. Especially osladin (of tschech. osladič " Polypody " to osladit " sweet "), a steroid saponin, contributes to the sweet taste.

Were used Medically also mucilage containing rhizomes earlier films for coughs and hoarseness. In addition, the plant has been used in folk medicine for gout and liver diseases. A bitter substance contained is toxic to intestinal worms.

Sori on the underside of leaves

Colony -like formation stock

Closed leaves
