Ponte City Apartments

, Originally called Ponte City The Strydom Tower, is a skyscraper in the Hillbrow neighborhood of Johannesburg in South Africa. The 173 meter high building was erected in 1975 and is currently the tallest apartment tower in Africa. The 54 -storey building has a cylindrical shape with an open interior area, which extends over all the floors and so additional daylight leaves in the apartments. The inner area is called the "core" and rises above an uneven rock floor. Ponte City was an extremely classy address, as offers from the tower of a spectacular view of Johannesburg and its surroundings.

During the 1990s, after the end of apartheid, increasingly gangs moved into the building, which made ​​it become an extremely unsafe place of residence in the course of time. Ponte City became a symbol of violence and urban decay, affecting in particular the once cosmopolitan Hillbrow neighborhood was affected.

Meanwhile, attempts to improve the image with renovated apartments again. The house still has to be secured with high security measures: The area is still not sure what in low-rent, which are particularly attractive for students, results.
