Pontic-Caspian steppe

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Ponto Kaspis describes a region differently defined on the Eurasian continent, probably the Aralo - Caspian lowland, and the Black Sea on. Often the term is used in biology to regional delineate some ( mostly water- living ) animal and plant species, especially of animal species from the Mediterranean.

In particular, species that originate from the lower Danube and have coming over the Main -Danube Canal, now established as early as the Rhine, are often specified with Ponto Kaspis as distribution area.

The reason for this connection a region (Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral Sea ) lies in its history. According to to the end of the last ice age have passed a connection between the three waters of the Manytsch lowlands. The Black Sea is today salzwasserhaltig by connecting through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles to the Mediterranean, which is why the animals are mainly used in the vast Danube Delta for comparison. The Danube Delta in the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea actually have a very similar fauna.
