Pool of Bethesda

Bethesda is the name of a cistern in Jerusalem, who were also awarded healing powers.


The name is derived from the Aramaic beth Bethesda hasada, " House of Mercy ", according to another source location, the name is based on " Vedes as " = " he is awakening or recovery." In addition, because of the proximity to the sheep gate (approximately at today's St. Stephen ), the name "Sheep Pond (s ) ' survived.


Already in vorhasmonäischer time was near the sheep gate through the walling of a small basin cistern. In the 1st century BC was created with a second dam another basin south of the first basin. A shaft -channel system by which it was possible to divert water from the rear tank to the front tank without mixing over, points to different water quality in the various basins. In addition, the epithet "Sheep ponds " suggests at least that the water was also used to clean the through the gate to the temple -driven animal herds. Due to the increasing overbuilding around the cisterns but lost until the reign of Herod the Great in importance and gradually silted up.

In the 1st century AD instead took to the cultic worship of Bethesdawassers. While biblical findings can assume (see below) already for the first half of the 1st century AD a cult sanctuary, there is archaeological evidence only from the time after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD From this period are immediately east of the cistern basin obtain the remains of a sanctuary of Serapis / Aesculapius, in which around a central water reservoir several small bathing rooms are arranged, in which the water was conducted. In addition, votive offerings show that people actually believed cured by this water.

In the Byzantine period in the 5th century AD, the basins were vaulted with arch structures and erected thereon a three-aisled basilica. From this church and of its successor churches residues can only be obtained. While at least for the Byzantine basilica because of its location on the ponds a special remembrance of the healing miracle of Jesus can be assumed that in 1142, built by the Crusaders in the east of the basin of St. Anne's Church is an expression of Marian devotion.

In 1856 the entire area - the lakes and the St. Anne's Church - by Sultan Abdülmecid the Crimean War allies Napoleon III. leave. France transferred the management of the site in 1874 the White Fathers.

Biblical mention

In the Christian New Testament, Bethesda one of only two places in Jerusalem where Jesus of Nazareth do a miracle. This healing miracle is found in John 5.1-15: This provides for five porticoes around the pond " a multitude of sick people, blind, lame, Dürrer " (5.3 ) have been lying, waiting out that " an angel in the pond down [ rose ] and [... ] the water [ moved ]. Whoever according to the movement of water in first, rose, was healthy, with which disease he was afflicted. " ( 5:4) Jesus met a paralyzed since 38 years man who could not get the right time in the water because of her disability. " Get up, take up your bed and walk! " On the simple command, ( 5.8 ) was the man to leave. Since Jesus did this miracle on the Sabbath, he withdrew the ire of the Jews ( 5,9.16 ).

The miracle described here is historical- critical classified in the category of Überbietungswunder. Jesus proves to be more powerful than the Old Testament or pagan ( in this case) miracle worker. It should be noted in this context that the healing ministry of Jesus and the eventual recovery of the patient, not related to the water is more, but only by means of the word. The description of the healing on the Sabbath assigns a narrative in the context of the so-called " Sabbatkonflike " in which Jesus deals with the Sabbath commandment in the Torah and its interpretation.

Although the historicity of Jesus' miracle is not to prove the report indicates at least on an accurate knowledge of the locality. The "movement " of water may thus be created, that water was fed from the central tank, using a lifting device comprising a surge tank into the individual.


In Tony Kushner's drama Angels in America, the Bethesda Fountain is a symbol of redemption in New York's Central Park.

The Bethesda Naval Hospital is a military hospital of the U.S. Navy.

31.78133055555635.235819444444Koordinaten: 31 ° 46 ' 53 "N, 35 ° 14' 9" E
