
The Popalzai are about 500,000 members scoring Durrani Pashtun tribe.

They live in the southern Afghan provinces of Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan and Nimrus and are in Afghanistan one of the most important and " most noble " tribes of the Pashtuns. So Ahmad Shah Durrani founded from the tribe of the Durrani Empire Popalzai 1747. Many Afghans see in this empire that stretched from Khorasan to Kashmir and Punjab, the cornerstone was laid for the modern Afghanistan, ruled until 1843 by Popalzai rulers. Thereafter, the country was ruled by clans from the ( related with the Popalzai ) Pedigree of the Barakzai.

Known Popalzi

  • Ahmad Wali Karzai
  • Dschan Mohammed Khan
  • Hamid Karzai, president of Afghanistan since 2004