Pope Lucius II

Lucius II, whose real name is Gerardus Caccianemici de l' Orso, († February 15, 1145 ) son of Albert de l' Orso was Pope from 9 March ( enthronement on 12 March ) 1144 His name means. " The Shining " (latin )

He was born in Bologna and at first belonged to the Augustinian canons in Lucca. 1123 he was appointed Cardinal Priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme and later served as papal legate in Germany for Pope Honorius II and later for Innocent II It is mainly due to his efforts that Lothar III. two trains to Italy undertook to protect Innocent II against the antipope Anacletus II. Innocent II appointed him as head of the papal chancery, which he led under the title of Bibliothecarius. It is believed that he mastered the German language.

His stormy pontificate was marked by the establishment of a revolutionary republic in Rome, which sought to deprive the Pope of his temporal power, and by the recognition of papal supremacy over Portugal.

1144 he met Roger II of Sicily in Ceprano, in order to clarify its obligations as a vassal of the Holy See. Lucius did not want to accept the demands of Rogers and rejected him, but Roger Lucius forced at gunpoint to accept his conditions.

The Roman Senate, virtually all secular power took over by the Pope during the pontificate of Innocent II and was dissolved by Lucius, took over, encouraged by Lucius ' defeat, back to power. Lucius shouted in vain the Roman-German King Conrad III. to help and eventually moved with a small army against the Senate. Also this war lost Lucius. According to Godfrey of Viterbo, he was during this battle seriously wounded and died several days later from his injuries.
