Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome

The entrapment syndrome, also Popliteakompressionssyndrom - English popliteal artery entrapment syndrome ( PAES ) - called, is a circulatory disorder of the lower leg, which on damage of the popliteal artery ( popliteal artery ) is based.

This is caused by variations in the course of muscle attachments, or the vessels. For loads they will lead to squeezing ( compression) of the popliteal artery and damages the artery wall, which in turn can lead to thrombosis and other vascular stenoses to occlusions. In the lower leg contact signs on a blood circulation disorder such as in arterial occlusive disease.

The symptoms includes, but is pain in the lower leg during exercise and cold and pallor of the lower leg.

The disease occurs predominantly in younger patients and often comes before both sides. It is difficult to see under resting conditions, since then the pulse in the ankle arteries may be normal. To diagnose a duplex ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging of the knee with loading ( flexion and extension of the foot in the ankle against resistance ) is required.

Clinical test: In plantar flexion of the foot of the affected leg, the CW Doppler signal of the posterior tibial artery (but also in 50% of " healthy " positive) disappears. Diagnosis: digital subtraction angiography with provocation.

Treatment is by surgery.
