Popular Socialist Party of Mexico

The Partido Popular Socialista de México ( PPSM; German Socialist People's Party of Mexico ) is a Mexican party, founded in 1987 with communist orientation. It is regarded as the successor of the Partido Popular Socialista (PPS).

The name of the party organ is " Teoría y Práctica " (engl.: "Theory and Practice " ), the young wing of the party of PPSM are the Jóvenes por el Socialismo (German: Young for socialism ). The PPSM has close political association with the Workers' Party of Belgium ( Parti du Travail de Belgique - Partij van de Arbeid van Belgie ) and regularly takes part in the activities organized by their annual international meeting. First Secretary of the Central PPSM - party committee is Cuauhtémoc Amezcua Dromundo, second Juan Campos Vega.

In the presidential elections in Mexico 2006 PPSM decided to set up any presidential candidate, and was not registered with the Federal Electoral Institute.
