Populorum progressio

Populorum Progressio (Latin: The progress of nations ) is the title of the fifth encyclical of Pope Paul VI. March 26, 1967. It bears the subtitle encyclical of Pope Paul VI. on the development of peoples. In addition to the social encyclical of John XXIII. Mater et Magistra of 1961 and the peace encyclical of the same Pacem in Terris Picking up from 1963, extended Paul VI. the peace mission of the church to the commitment of the balance between North and South. To the memory of this encyclical, John Paul II devoted the end of 1987 its second social encyclical. Benedict XVI also. Established 2009 his social encyclical Caritas in Veritate ( CiV ) aware of Populorum Progressio in the tradition.

International Development and private property

She is the first social encyclical that addresses all of international development. World Economic justice and overcoming the tension between the rich and poor countries - so the main message of the encyclical - the prerequisite and the basis of peace. The is subordinate to the right to private ownership, as the private property is for anyone an absolute and absolute right. No one has the power only to reserve its abundance even where other lacks the necessary.

To development aid

It is in this teaching writing not about that would be free to buy through financial aid or debt relief from their historical or moral blame rich nations. The poor countries themselves would have to be scale and the question of whether they are sustainable helped. Whether this also help arrives and has success, said about absolute numbers from nothing. It is certainly true that development aid is financially declined in recent years more and more.

Discrepancy between industrialized countries and developing countries

It shows that development assistance could offset the economic divide between the industrialized countries and the colonial empires formed from the new nations. But when the economy was growing on its own in some developing countries, there is still a large deficit and the failures were sobering. In many countries of the so -called Third World conquer great misery, it would over-exploitation of the environment and run it raged civil wars. Development theories suggest the causes vary: Some discovered the reasons of poverty in the developing country itself, for example in the high population growth, others do external factors responsible, such as the arbitrary boundaries of the colonial powers.

Solidarity and sense of duty

But man is also the community member brings Paul VI. expressed, because it belongs to all humanity. All people are called upon to contribute to the full development of the whole human society. We all have an obligation to act with responsibility and solidarity for our fellow human beings. The solidarity of all, would not only bring benefits but also obligations for us. However, it is also the duty of the Church to put themselves at the service of people, to help them to tackle this serious problem in all its breadth, and to convince them at this crucial moment of human history from the urgency of joint action should the primary concern be.

Free will

According to the plan of God, every man is called to develop, because the life of every man is ordained by God to any task. From birth, all germ, a set of skills and characteristics is given, to bring to fruition. Their coming to maturity, the result of education through the environment and personal efforts, will allow everyone the opportunity to align with the goal that has him by his Creator. With intellect and free will gifted man for his progress is responsible both for his salvation. Aided, or sometimes impeded by his educators and his environment, everyone has his own fortune, his failure cause, whatever be these influences acting on him. Every person can grow through the powers of his mind and his will, man, be worth more, to perfect himself. ( Populorum Progressio, No. 15; see Related links )

Social progress and education

One could even say, the Pope writes that the economic growth depends primarily on the social progress. So be a basic training the first stage of a development plan. The hunger for education is no less bitter than the hunger for food. An illiterate was mentally underdeveloped. Read and write to be able to obtain professional training would mean that people gain confidence and discover that you can get on with others.
