Porta San Sebastiano

The Porta San Sebastiano ( the ancient Porta Appia ) is a city gate in the Aurelian Walls of Rome. Directly behind the gate is the Drususbogen, who belonged to the aqueduct Aqua Marcia. Through the gate performs the Via Appia, which began at the Porta Capena. Immediately at the gate begins outside the city walls extending part of the Via Appia Antica.

The huge gate was rebuilt five times. Originally, two identical arches opened between two semicircular towers. When remodeling by Emperor Honorius, 401-402, which is now extended and reinforced towers and the central part were increased by one level. As the Porta Latina was secured by two leaf and a portcullis and this gate. Belisarius, the general of the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I, built after his occupation of Rome in the year 536 the gateway using the existing marble blocks from and provided it with the two strong semi-circular side towers.

Inside the towers the Museo delle Mura (City Wall Museum ) is housed.


Porta San Sebastiano

Etching by Giuseppe Vasi 1750

Drawing by Luigi Rossini

Drawing by Luigi Rossini

