Posavac horse

The Posavina Horse ( also Croatian Posavac; Kroat hrvatski posavac [ pɔ saʋats ː ], " Posavski konj " or " Posavski BUSAK .") Is a native of Croatia horse race, which is counted to the cold-blooded horses. As the name of the Posavina horse suggests, the breed of the Croatian area comes to the Save river in Slavonia, also called Posavina. In the immediate vicinity is the Turopolje region, which is why the breed is often referred to as Turopolje horse.

From the population here, it is the most important horse race in the Republic of Croatia today. Thanks to its good characteristics, the horse was also adopted by many growers in the Posavje - area in Slovenia.

Background information on the evaluation and breeding horses can be found at: exterior, interior and horse breeding.


The Posavina horse has a not-too- long neck, dry, characteristic wide nostrils and very clear eyes, and small, pointed ears. The neck is fixed to the body is short and well-formed with a fixed mane. The horse has a strong hull, which is equally pronounced in all three parts. It has a steeply sloping croup and a rich tail. The legs are relatively dry with a short tibia and upright posture. The coat color is predominant red-brown, usually darker than lighter. The horse appeared as well as a black horse on, something rarer than gray or fox. A spotted coat is not desirable in the breed.


The Posavina horse is a hefty beast of burden of fixed constitution, has a good and calm character. It was once used for train services in forests and agriculture. The Posavac is a precocious breed of good health and long life. The horse has a balanced character, has a strong will and is persevering at work. It is very frugal and very easy to feed from the feeding effort forth. The horse is held by the early spring to the late autumn months in the meadows, in the winter it is kept indoors and fed with hay and corn cobs.

Breeding history

When the Croats many centuries ago came from the steppes of Eurasia in the present territory of Croatia, they also brought with their horses. In this area of constant clash of civilizations of the East and of the West, of great empires, and their armies, or of the European heavy war horse on the one hand and the easy - moving oriental horse on the other hand, this breed has had to adapt to the circumstances (see also Military Frontier ). This is the foundation on which is based the current breed of Croatian Posavac. The people created this type of horse as a specific type of horse under the influence of geographical conditions in Croatia and the pastures of the Posavina area.

Once included the breeding area of the horse race, the area of Zagreb to Županja with the numerous fertile meadows and fields beside the Save. Today, the farming area comprises the section from Zagreb to Nova Gradiška. Since 1991, this breed is systematically selected, controlled, and it is run a tab on the existing number of horses.
