Post-autistic economics

The post -autistic economics is created in France in 2000, moving from economics students who are dissatisfied with the economic doctrine, claiming it was too self-centered, impractical and unrealistic.


The initial driving force for the post -autistic movement the economist Bernard Guerrien is seen. It was created in the spring of 2000 by disaffected French economics students. The "post -autistic economics " became known to a wider public in June of 2000, according to an interview in the newspaper Le Monde in 2001 and received support from 27 Cambridge students.


The important currents of economics deal only with their own unrealistic theories and models. HT Johnson had already in 2000 indicated that the mathematical models of economic events have been confused since the 1980s by managers who were no longer practically formed only in business schools and, with reality. " In Their hands the map what the territory. "

This leads to the fact that no useful insights into today's economic relationships are possible. The cause for this lack of realism is seen by post -autistic economists in particular:

  • The insistence of the " establishment", to see the world only through a narrow, restrictive "glasses",
  • The lack of criticism of mainstream economics theory
  • The preoccupation with often irrelevant and uninformative formalisms


From these allegations out the following demands are erfoben:

  • Mathematical models should not be an end in itself in the economy.
  • Behind ask critical of what you do
  • Let to a variety of approaches, each approach the complexity of the examined contexts and objects is adapted in each case.

The economy is a social, not a natural science. Therefore, a pluralism of theories and methods of post -autistic economists preferred, which may be quite contradictory, but each a different aspect of the topic illuminate economy. Thus arises ultimately a much better illumination of the entire economy, as if only a small group will be admitted in very related theories, all others will be rejected and cover these theories only a small part of the economy.


The post -autistic economics wants to study with a plurality of interdisciplinary approaches and all relevant schools of economics economic phenomena. You often based on different approaches, which also reject the idea of Homo economicus in part. Lugs, which are divided, are:

  • Evolutionary Economics
  • Ecological Economics
  • Economics of complex systems
  • Economic Sociology
  • Post- Keynesian Economics
  • Econophysics


Some important representatives of the various economic flows ( including Olivier Blanchard), the spawned by the post -autistic movement criticism emphatically reject as nonsensical. They refer to the successes of neoclassical theory and the positive impact on the established in recent years and decades, prosperity and the success of the embossed by deregulating money market theory.

Post -autistic economics in Germany

In German-speaking post -autistic economics is active since 2003, initially in a working group and since 2007 in a club. This organized student activities at universities and conferences and is responsible for scientific publications. Since 2011, he joined the public under the name of Real World Economics. In 2012, he changed its name to plurals in network economics '.

Related currents is also available in other countries. An important magazine of the flow which is organized since 2011 in the World Economics Association (WEA ) with 11,000 members, is founded in 2000, real -world economics review, in which, inter alia, also James K. Galbraith published.
