Postgraduate Certificate in Education

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education ( PGCE ) is a certificate in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, with which one obtains the permission to work as a teacher. The equivalent in Scotland is called Professional Graduate Diploma in Education ( PGDE ).

Prerequisite for this teaching degree is a bachelor's degree. The course lasts one year. During this time, you already working as a teacher and studied simultaneously at a university or other higher educational institution.

The tuition fee is about 3000 pounds. However, it receives a stipend 4000-9000 pounds. Students in Scotland and Northern Ireland do not receive a scholarship, but also pay no tuition fee.

Private schools require not generally a PGCE. Applicants with PGCE but are often preferred.

The PGCE is the most common type of teacher education in England and Wales. However, there are also other ways to obtain the status of a teacher.

  • Academic degree
  • Education in the United Kingdom