Potpourri (music)

A potpourri of music is in a composition that is composed of already existing compositions and subsequently forms a new, more or less harmonious musical unity.


The word potpourri was taken over by the French pot pourri. Originally, the French term called a stew, literally translated it means " rotten pot."

The musical potpourri arose from the Quodlibet, but differs therefrom in that the potpourri quotations known melodies resound in succession, while the different melodies can be set simultaneously in the Quodlibet. Regional variants of such piece episodes in the first half of the 16th century were the Fricassée in France and the Ensalada in Spain. The French " comédies s vaudevilles " the Paris market theater in 17-18. Century were a kind of potpourri. Since about 1800, it was also common to create theater overtures from known tunes ( " Potpourri " overture ).

From composers such as Grieg, Sibelius, or Tchaikovsky, the term was used for a series of smaller pieces, which were connected by a common theme. From operas and operettas known themes and melodies were often strung together by the composer himself or of agents in new sequences in order to address the general public. Great style contrasts were often used to parody effects.


The potpourri is a ranking of melodies, with or without modulating transitions, which is joined to a musical unit and presented closed. Follow pieces of music with short lines is called in popular music today medley, which legally speaking a medley must be in contrast to the potpourri moved from one music publisher. When Potpourri transitions from piece to piece is through-composed, ie by modulating to a different key, the next piece in the stands or by tempo changes, if the components of potpourri were written in different tempos matched. The musical collage on the other hand is a loose collection of songs, with the missing transitions and the associated sound frictions are deliberately intended by the composers of the collage.


The potpourri is composed of at least three musical works. By the potpourri the rights of composers of individual works will not get under. Rather, there is a processing within the meaning of § § 3 and § 23 of the Copyright Act, which requires even the approval of the composers of the united in the potpourri works upon the publication of potpourris.
