Praeclara gratulationis publicae

Praeclara gratulationis publicae is an Apostolic Letter of Pope Leo XIII. , Which he published on 20 June 1894. In this letter he calls the Eastern and Western churches to the " unity of the faith " on. In it he goes again to the theme of Freemasonry.

For the unity of the faith

The reason for the many wars and revolutions in Europe lies in the disunity of the churches, the great industrial change wear the rest of his to the disputes and labor disputes at. Christianity in Europe was torn apart by strife and disagreement, the people were exhausted by the fierce competition and the wars. This was continued in the common faith and the cause lies in barbarous customs and rites insane. Leo XIII. calls in this Apostolic Letter, we call this letter also an Apostolic Exhortation, for unity in action and faith. The merger of the Eastern and Western churches is willed by God and will lead to peace within the Church and in Europe.

A major hazard

For the unity of the faith were the communities that identify themselves as Masons, a great danger. Their distribution threatens the Catholic nations, they would continually spread and proceed from their hiding places out against Christian civilization. Especially in the cities, they would drive their mischief, even the global spread is a great misfortune. The Freemasons were under false promises try the piety of the divine sacraments to undermine, here they would just speak out against marriage and the family, and they would try to teach young people to infiltrate. They are warmongers who would threaten the peace in Europe and therefore the shameful yoke of Freemasonry must be a shaken off once and for all, he 'll call this, especially the men of Italy and France on. The Word of God will lead them to victory and if this danger can be banned, then the unity of the faith will be restored.
