Prägrad Castle


The ruins Prägrad located in the village of Prägrad Feldkirchen in Carinthia on a rocky outcrop overlooking the lead instead.

The name " Prägrad " is of Slavic origin and means " area in front of the castle " or " bailey ". Perhaps the attachment was originally intended as Vorwerk to a larger facility.

From a document of 1166 the supremacy of the diocese of Bamberg is clear. 1258 country royally. 1456 go castle and dominion over to Frederick III. , And later at the Ernauer 1628 and finally to the Ossiach.

The situation after there is a hillside castle. From the main castle of the 12th/13th. Century are still the parts of a house receive, as well as the wall to the South, East and West. Remains of a kennel from the 14th/15th. Century are situated in the southeast of the castle.

At the foot of the slope, a castle was built in the 16th century, which was demolished in 1967.

In Valvasor Topographia Archiducatus Carinthiae Antiquae & modernae completa of 1688 there is an engraving of castle and chateau.
