
Champagny-en -Vanoise is an entity belonging to village in the French Tarentaise Savoie département in the Rhône -Alpes. Champagny-en -Vanoise has 750 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) on an area of ​​88.57 km ².


The municipality is located in the outer zone of the Vanoise National Park. The center of the municipality is situated at 1700 meters above sea level at the end of the Bozel Valley. It lies on the collision of the valleys Glière and Chavière. About the passes Col de la Vanoise (2,517 m) and the Col de Chavière ( 2769 m) can be reached on foot the Maurienne. The municipality is situated on the River Doron de Bozel, which still bears the name of Doron de Pralognan here.
