Pray and work

Ora et labora ( German: Pray and work ) is a principle of the tradition of the Benedictines, which circumscribes the meaning of the Rule of St. Benedict.

Origin and Meaning

Although he is regarded as a principle of the Benedictine monasteries, it is not included in the Rule of St. Benedict, but dates from the late Middle Ages. Completely it is: Ora et labora ( et lege), Deus adest sine mora ( "pray and work ( and read ), God is there (or: God helps ) without delay "). The German meaning of the Latin verb laborare ( imperative: labora ) is: work, suffer, suffer, make an effort to be in distress and toil. So it is called after the Fall in Genesis 3:19: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till you return to the ground; from it you were taken. You are dust, and to dust you shall return. "- Ora et labora thus refers to the belief that the path to divinity ultimately leads only on prayer and hard work.

Pictures of Pray and work
