Precipitate delivery

The precipitous birth (lat: partus praecipitatus ) denotes a temporal deviation from the normal course of labor, that is a very fast (< 2 hours) runs, but otherwise normal birth, when the child is sometimes born with only a single Austreibungswehe, for example, for rapid cervical dilatation in good stretchy birth canal or in smaller fruit.

The opening contractions are then often barely painful or follow at long intervals, so they are not perceived. Suddenly the woman in labor is then surprised by painful contractions. With a precipitous birth, the child is often born in bed or ambulance. A precipitous birth is observed mainly in multiparas with sudden, strong contractions and especially resilient connective tissue, but also in first-time mothers who have misinterpreted the contractions.

As part of a precipitous birth, it can get away with to be separated precipitate labor also to conceptual. " Precipitate labor " refers to the fall of the child from the birth canal, such as a toilet or on the floor. A precipitate labor may also occur in a non- hasty birth. There is danger of injury to the newborn, also a Nabelschnurruptur is possible.
