
Live reconstruction of Preondactylus apatomerus

Preondactylus ( " Preone - finger " ) is a genus of pterosaur ( Pterosauria ) from the Upper Triassic of Italy.

He is regarded as a primitive pterosaur with a long tail, relatively long hind legs and short wings. The span of this as pigeon-sized pterosaur was about 45 centimeters. The mouth of Preondactylus is studded with sharp and pointed teeth. Probably the animals fed on small fish and insects.

The first fossil remains of Preondactylus in 1982 discovered the fossil collectors Nando Buffarini in Preone valley near Udine in the northern Italian region of Friuli - Venezia Giulia region in a bituminous, dolomitic limestone of the Alps. Rupert Wild named for its first description in 1983, the scientific genus for this Erstfundort. The rock plate with the Fossil broke in the recovery in several parts, but could be reassembled from the Finder. When washing the plate embedded in a millimeter- thick layer of marl black bones were washed away and there remained only the negative impression. The imprint was poured with silicone rubber and the casting thus obtained served as a basis for scientific investigation.

A second fossil was found in 1984 also Preone Valley. However, it comes from a stratigraphic level that is 150 to 200 meters below the Erstfundes. This 210 million year old individual is the oldest known pterosaurs. Since the bones of this specimen are highly compressed, it is assumed that it is the Speiballen a predatory fish with them.


  • David M. Unwin: The Pterosaurs: From Deep Time. PI Press, New York, 2006, ISBN 0 - 13-146308 -X
  • Peter Wellhofer: The great encyclopedia of pterosaurs. Mosaik Verlag, Munich, 1993. Pages 62-67