
A presentation is a lecture on a topic in a limited time ( about 10-30 minutes ) is kept.

The most common forms are oral reports, technical presentations at conferences, short presentations at seminars or training presentations in school.


In presentations at school or a seminar is primarily to playback researched facts and ideas, while specialized units at conferences usually have their own research of the speaker ( speakers ) to the content.

At professional conferences a period of 15 to 20 minutes the usual measure, with invited papers is also slightly longer. In the school system, the unit can be a proof of performance in the form of an equivalent statement of student performance.

There are also papers in purely written form, for example as a summary ( report) over a longer publication.


At the beginning of the department is informed of the subject matter, the course and duration. An understandable and interesting design presentation does not lead to excessive demand or loss of attention.


As a technical tool for presentation are posters, transparencies, blackboard, increasingly, PC presentation software and projector or digital whiteboards to choose from. Notes on index cards with bullet points help you prepare. On a handout key propositions and statements of the Department should be available so that the public can remember the event of any subsequent discussion of it. A laser pointer can be used to indicate any details on overhead transparencies and pictures.


The - possibly free - talk about a given topic to a group of classmates or fellow students is an important learning goal of the school and university education. As in the German speaking many students have great difficulty to address a seminar referencing is partially practiced at primary school today.

With regard to the presentation recommend the most German educationalists still, to formulate in writing papers and then either read or study the transcript before the lecture exactly though especially the speech situation is unusual. Often there are also teachers or lecturers who require a transcript because they want to know in advance about their own preparation, which will be discussed in the paper. On the other hand, some educationists argue that it is more conducive to the presentation basically, if only keywords are listed.

The latter is generally accepted in the English-speaking world, where free speech traditionally a much larger cultural role than eg in Germany ( see, eg, Debating, Soapbox, stand -up comedy ). Especially in the United States, Canada and Australia, the conditions for the free referencing are laid at the pre-school education, that is, as soon as the children can speak. The relevant method from preschool ( 3 - and 4 -year-old ) is maintained at, is the Show and Tell. Show and Tell ( German: "show and tell ") means that a child is a - usually brought from home - Item gathered in the circles classmates vorzeigt, a few minutes talking about it and then answered any questions of classmates. In elementary school, structured, rules -oriented to follow lectures with topics specified by the teacher and those in which use child unless the school is adequately equipped aids such as PowerPoint.
