
That or the priamel is often a satirical poem and usually written in a satirical or moralizing intention. The basic principle is the ranking of objects, actions, or people with specific, usually the social convention or their actual function contradictory accompanying properties, which contrapuntal a comment is faced at the end. The most famous German priamel " I live and white nit how long ... ", which ( erroneously ) Walther was attributed to von der Vogelweide and Martinus of Biberach, was parodied by Martin Luther ( "I live as long as God wills ... ").

They were created in the 15th century. The center of the Priameldichtung was Nuremberg; as the most important Priameldichter apply the Nuremberg Hans and Hans Sachs Rosenplüt

Today the priamel will hardly use.

