
Chirolophis decoratus

The Sawback ( Stichaeidae ) are a family of Aalmutterverwandten and live with about 80 species in 37 genera in the North Pacific, some species in the North Atlantic.


These are slender and elongated, depending on the type 4.5 to 70 centimeters long bottom dwellers. Your body is covered with tiny round scales. The long, saumförmige dorsal fin is supported in many species only of hard jets. The pelvic fins are very small, but may be absent. When present, they have a hard and four soft rays. About the eyes of many species have brush-like skin growths. The distance from the tip of the snout to the beginning of the anal fin is as long as the distance from the beginning of the anal fin to the beginning of the caudal fin. The lateral line may be missing, but it can also be present on each side up to four. The gill slit is narrow, swim bladder is absent.

Fins formula: Dorsal XXII-CXXVII/0-82, Anal IV/20-102

Way of life

The fish live in cold water at depths up to 250 meters. They feed among other things, amphipods and isopods, some Japanese species of sea anemones also. Eggs are laid in clumps and guarded by a parent.

Inside systematics

There are 6 subfamilies, 37 genera and about 80 species:

  • Subfamily Azygopterinae Genus Azygopterus Andriashev & Makushok 1955 Azygopterus corallinus Andriashev & Makushok 1955
  • Leptostichaeus pumilus

The sooner the Sawback assigned subfamily Neozoarcinae is now provided ( Zoarcidae ) into the family of eelpout.
