
Pride [ of mnd ..: stolt = gorgeous, handsome ] is a feeling of great satisfaction to himself, a consideration of himself - it was his own person, be it in context with a highly respected and revered "whole".

Pride is the joy that comes from the certainty that they have done something special recognition value or promising future, be part of it or to embody it. In this case, the scale of which derives this certainty, emerged both within their own differentiated values ​​horizon as its been handed down socially. In the first case one feels himself confirmed in his belief and reinforced ("I 'm proud of myself " ), in the other case it basks in the social recognition ("I am proud to have done something for my city ").

As with anger, fear, sadness, surprise and delight is the pride to an elementary emotion that is innate and not instilled. The emotion is expressed through unique, identical in all human cultures gestures and signs ( upright posture, distance covered head, arms stretched away from the body ) and is therefore universally recognized.

Evolutionary function

Pride is designed to signal a high social status. Individuals who communicate high status successfully, improve their access to scarce resources and high-quality reproductive partners. Stratification by status within a group may also facilitate power relations, cooperation and social interactions.

Pride in the Roman Catholic Church Evaluation

For the Roman Catholic Church is pride ( as the Catechism, KKK 1866), respectively. Haughtiness, pride or arrogance, lat superbia, the first of the seven capital sins or, in Thomas Aquinas, a root sin still on the main sins ( Thomas lists in the latter, instead, the related vanity ). Pride after Thomas is "a disorderly pursuit of its own salience ". According to St. Gregory pride occurs in four forms, namely: 1 the good that one has to attribute itself, 2 although it traced back to God, but put on the account of their own merits, 3 to enclose benefits that you does not possess, 4th advantages that you own, produce return with complacency and contempt for others. In contrast, self-esteem is just as respect for fellow human beings a positive duty consisting " in the proper appreciation of what we find in ourselves and others, and the same in the sincere recognition of the value or worthlessness, coupled with the desire and effort is valuable and to obtain decent and protect, but to remove the unworthy. "

" Prestige, prestige and power are but a threat if the scope and ambition for power degenerate. The one is from craving for nerds. He thinks only of his career and ruthlessly pushes aside everything that stands in his way. He is even willing to give up faith and religion, if he can thereby achieve his goal. Another was raised in haughty pride of all others; he takes advantage of his position and becomes a tyrant. A third will eventually lose in a false confidence in themselves the confidence to everything, even to God. He thinks that one could rely on no one. "


Sometimes pride is divided into two forms: a healthy and a sick, that is neurotic form (for example, propagated by Karen Horney in her book, Neurosis and Human Growth ). Neurotic pride it can be when you're proud of something you did not himself created; it can also be neurotic to be proud of destructive performance against people (eg proud to have as many people cheated ).

Pride on a performance that you and / or others have provided for themselves ( for example, dropping a dissertation, High School ), is considered legitimate.

Here you can differentiate whether this just mentioned pride in social recognition aims or whether to themselves they are proud - that is in terms of personal property or Gestilltsein the urge / need for satisfaction or recognition (which can be increased in a pride ).

"I would like that were to be regarded pride as a noble attribute of the soul; consciousness as a true inner majesty and dignity;, vile act as a feeling of incompetence. "

Game theory

Pride can also be there, " health", where he ( as in bargaining) leads to an irrational seeming abandonment of the maximization of a utility function in games. In game theory even prove " false pride " and "Despite " as the driving force of rational moves when they may not be the utility function in order to be played, maximize, but - in the metagame - influence the rules of the game itself in favor of the seemingly irrational player. ( It may also involve a change in the rules of the game in favor of the Clan Player. ) Game theory can also show that the coincidence of pride and weakness is not a contradiction. Pride is often in contrast to lack of action by a player ( a negotiator ) seen it, but just in a weak position helps the threat of seemingly irrational moves. Therefore pride is a rational function which can be used in negotiations between representatives of states.
