
Prince and Princess are the names of all non- reigning descendants and befitting a sovereign dynasties. In Germany it was the name of all members of such civil gorgeous and reigning houses, which already had the title of Prince of the Holy Roman Empire. The first-born prince is called Prince, in imperial and royal houses, as crown prince. The old France granted the title of Prince of the highest nobility, without distinction, but put at the head of the princes of the blood ( Princes de sang royal) or the agnates of the royal house. The term prince or princess is not a title of nobility.

The befitting the wife of the Prince receives the marriage the title of princess and be treated in succession according to their husband.

For presumptive heir to the throne, there are special titles according to their importance:

  • Crown Prince
  • Prince
  • Kurprinz

In addition, Prince can fulfill special functions or hold a special status:

  • Prince Consort
  • Prince Regent


The German word prince is borrowed from the French prince, which is usually the general meaning " prince " has; prince, in turn, goes back to Latin princeps " the first ". This was particularly used by the emperor Augustus as ruler designation.

Note, however, that it is the prince himself with foreign princes, such as those in France or the UK, the person so designated. The use of the term prince in the German-speaking area for the children of a prince differs fundamentally from that in other countries.

The female German form, Princess, goes back to the French ( princesse ), but in French means princess, not a princess.

Carnival, Fastnacht or Fasching Prince
