Principal parts

As regular forms of a verb, the forms of the verb are referred to in language teaching and in the grammar, which serve as the basis for the formation of the inflectional forms. Based on the original forms can be obtained by attachment of inflectional endings all inflected forms of the verb derived. Thus, the stem-forms cover all the manifestations that can take the lexical part of the word (stemming ).

In the strong verbs of Germanic approximately between four stocks, has to be distinguished: for the present and infinitive, preterite singular, preterite plural, past participle.


In German, three ordinary forms are distinguished, present tense (1st principal form ), past tense ( 2 Stf. ) And past participle (3rd Stf. ).

Example: read - read - read. English

In English, the stem-forms consist of the infinitive, the past tense and the past participle:

Sing - sang - sung ( ' sing ')   make - made - made ( ' make ')   go - went - gone ( ' go ') Latin

In Latin, there are four primary forms:

Porto - Portare - portāvī - ( ' bear ') portātus LAUDO - laudare - laudāvī - laudātus ' praise ' The first stem-form is the first person singular present, followed by the infinitive, the first -person singular perfect and the past participle passive.

Ancient Greek

In ancient Greek, even six original forms are to learn: first -person singular present tense, first person singular future tense, first person singular aorist ( active or Medium), 1st person singular perfect active, first -person singular perfect medium or passive, 1 person singular aorist passive.

ἄγω - ἄξω - ἤγαγον - ἦχα - ἦγμαι - ἤχθην ( ' push, carry ') see also

  • Regular verb