Prislop (Sibiu)

Prislop is a Roma village in the municipality Răşinari (German Reschinar ) and lies about 15 km from Sibiu ( Hermannstadt dt ) away.

You can reach Prislop about Răşinari from from the center to the southeast over a steep hill. There is also a path through the Silberbachtal from Cisnădioara (German Michel Berg).


In Prislop there is a primary school, a public telephone, a grocer, a newly built community center, which is not yet in operation (2006 ), a water point with mountain water and power supply for 85 % of the farms. In Prislop there are no drains, trail reinforcement, running water, or street lighting.

It is home to around 250 people in Prislop. Almost all are Roma. The reason is public and is provided by the mayor's office in Răşinari to the needy available. Thus, homeless Romanians have been directed by Prislop.


It is difficult to estimate how old is this Roma settlement. The typical log cabins are mostly built from used beams, partly also from discarded railway sleepers, and therefore do not provide information on their age.

Some buildings are built of stone and covered with tiles. These are from the " gold rush ", about the beginning of the 20th century, when some residents could afford a standard of living that was comparable with the Romanians from the surrounding villages.

The Roma from Prislop were traditionally broom makers and basket weavers, are Romanianized since time immemorial, ie they do not speak the traditional language, nor do they wear the typical dress of the Roma. They have always talked lively trade relations with the surrounding villages, and their work was appreciated.

As had after the Second World War, many Transylvanian Saxons from Michelberg give up their homes, the Prislopern new accommodation was offered there. They refused, however, to shame the Michel Berger in this way and to anger, in memory of the good relationships they have always maintained.

In the communist regime Prisloper were fully employed each morning attracted the men from the hill down to pursue their work. It was not until the early 1990s, the situation of the villagers has deteriorated immensely.

Prislop today

Since 2003, there is little social benefit, for which three days of community service must be made, which will be allocated by the mayor in Răşinari. Since then, the plight of Prislop is not so serious.

Nevertheless, the living conditions are still and severely depressed.


The adults avail themselves of basic education. Some have even learned professions.

Some years, the village school was closed, among young adults and adolescents shows an alarming illiteracy. Since 2000 the school is run regularly and the children attend from the fifth grade education in Răşinari.

Depending on the situation in each family, there are now some good students.


The Prisloper are all unemployed, and in compliance with broom-making ( in the autumn to spring ) and berry picking (in summer) above water. Day laborers working on the field and in surrounding towns are also common.
