Privative a

As alpha privative (Latin: " beraubendes Alpha" ) is referred to in the word formation of the Greek language prefix ἀ -a-, which expresses the absence, reversal or ineffectiveness of the signified or denies the underlying word ( then called " Negationspräfix " also alpha negativum called ). In German, this function often pick up the prefix "un - " or the suffix " -less" or " empty", the words " not " or "without". Starts the word begins with a vowel, the prefix is ​​usually ἀν - to -. In German, the alpha privative appears as asocial in loanwords such as apathy or abnormal, and in neoplasms. Functional and according to history it is identical with Latin in - (eg, inactive), German un - (eg idle ) and Sanskrit अ - a- or अन् - on - that all Indo-European on a same significant prefix * n be attributed -.

