Processing (programming language)

Processing is a company specializing in the areas of application graphics, simulation and animation, object-oriented, strongly typed programming language and associated integrated development environment. It is developed in an open source project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston by Ben Fry ( Broad Institute ) and Casey Reas (UCLA Design | Media Arts ) was initiated. Processing has the character of a highly simplified version of the Java programming language used to program interactions and visual elements and is aimed primarily at designers, artists and novice programmers.

The class libraries of programming primarily aimed at the area of ​​application processing and consider the themes video, graphics, image formats, sound, animation, typography, 3D, simulation, data access and transfer, and network protocols.

In 2005 Processing was awarded the Prix Ars Electronica in the category Net Vision / Net Excellence.



An example based on a Hello World program:

Println ("Hello World!"); This program produces no errors, but also no visible text. The text is only displayed in the console of Processing. If you want to make the text in the output window visible, you have to use the text () method:

Void setup () {    size ( 400,400 ); }   void draw () {    background (0);    text ("Hello World!", 30,50 ); } Tools

  • GUI builder tool, a GUI builder for the G4P library, which is integrated as a tool in the Processing IDE.

Similar projects

  • Design By Numbers
  • IProcessing
  • Mobile Processing
  • Processing.js
  • Processing Monsters
  • SPDE