Prodi II Cabinet

The Cabinet Prodi II was on 17 May 2006 to 8 May 2008 at the office and led the business of government since the resignation of the Prime Minister on 24 January 2008, only provisional.

Parliamentary elections in Italy in 2008 took place on 13 and 14 April 2008. Berlusconi's party alliance won in both chambers; Berlusconi was the Cabinet Berlusconi IV (May 8, 2008 to November 16, 2011).

De Gasperi I | De Gasperi II | De Gasperi III | De Gasperi IV | De Gasperi V | De Gasperi VI | De Gasperi VII | De Gasperi VIII | Pella | Fanfani I | Scelba | Segni I | Zoli | Fanfani II | Segni II | Tambroni | Fanfani III | IV Fanfani | Leone I | Moro I | II Moro | Moro III | Leone II | Rumor I | Rumor II | III Rumor | Colombo | Andreotti I | II Andreotti | Rumor IV | Rumor V | Moro IV | Moro V | Andreotti III | IV Andreotti | Andreotti V | Cossiga I | Cossiga II | Forlani | Spadolini I | Spadolini II | Fanfani V | Craxi I | Craxi II | Fanfani VI | Goria | De Mita | Andreotti VI | VII Andreotti | Amato I | Ciampi | Berlusconi I | Dini | Prodi I | D' Alema I | D'Alema II | Amato II | Berlusconi II | III Berlusconi | Prodi II | Berlusconi IV | Monticello | Nicoletta | Renzi

  • Cabinet (Republic of Italy)