Product naming

The term naming, also referred to as name development, is meant the development of a name for naming a product, service or company. This development is very complex and therefore increasingly specialized agencies to be entrusted with it.


The name of a brand is one of the most important marketing tool. He is chosen strategically usually and mostly supports associations that are directly related to major characteristics or business characteristics. But it can also hinder the actual product completely and still be received by the target audience. New brand names usually have to be used internationally and thereby cause positive associations. For companies with a large number of products complete name systems create structure, strengthening the positioning and make connections transparent. The Namingprozess is divided into several stages and goes far beyond the mere creation out.


A brand name must have different properties, so it can be used effectively. It is not essential that he, nationally or internationally should consist for a company or a particular product. He must always meet the same criteria essentially.

The name must not be protected in identical or similar form for an identical or similar product or companies in the same industry. It must therefore be unique.

For a name in the memory remains, it must be readable and easily sprechbar. The readability, however, can be positively or negatively affected by the graphic design.

The name should match the bodies to be product or company. He need not necessarily descriptive. It will suffice if it produces the desired association. It should be concise, so that it differs from potential competitors or their product names.

A name is protected as a trade mark if it is not descriptive in relation to the assets covered by the protection of goods and / or services. Furthermore, the name should not already exist earlier identical or similar trademark rights collide third parties that are protected for identical and / or similar goods and / or services.


The development of a name that meets the above criteria, passes through various phases and begins with the formulation of the specific requirements for the respective name. This leads into the creative process, in which a number of proposals will be generated using various techniques. Following this favored names are selected and first of trademark law reviews are carried out to rule out that the name conflicts in those countries in which the product or business is to be used with older identical trademark rights of third parties.

Parallel names are subjected to linguistic-cultural tests with native speakers to ensure that they do not cause negative associations or meanings in the appropriate languages ​​.

As a further stage of trademark searches Similarity search should be performed. This search form takes into account many other variations of the remaining name suggestions ( are visually, phonetically and semantically ). By this step, the legal situation of the brand name can be estimated optimally.

In addition, the remaining names can be examined at the desired target audience through an effective test in terms of appearance, associations, sound and acceptance.

From the initial number of names thus remain at the end of this process left much less that meet all the criteria required.
