Profundal zone

As profundal is in the ecology of the habitat of the deep zone (Latin profundus deep ) called standing water. However, the profundal here means only the sediment and the water layer close above it. Differences it is from the overlying Litoral, by exposed soil zone. The boundary between profundal littoral and is described in the compensation level, which is assumed for the depth of reach in the remaining 1 percent of the photosynthetically active radiation ( PAR).

Important influential factors participating to the community in the profundal are light, temperature, water movement and oxygen saturation of the water.

Factor light

Ins profundal there is very little light (less than 1 percent PAR ) so that no profitable photoautotrophic primary production more can take place. The cohabitation of Profundals is therefore predominantly heterotrophic.

Factor temperature

Because of the density anomaly of water, the temperature is fairly constant in the deep profundal at 4 ° C and there are seasonal only very small fluctuations. According to the circulation types, there are also lakes that depart from this general rule.

Factor influencing oxygen saturation

The oxygen content is a crucial variable for the inhabitants of the profundal. Here there is almost constant lack of oxygen.

Factor influencing water movement

In the profundal it comes to different water movements, for example by bioturbation, but also because of temperature differences between the sediment and the water above it. These water movements allow mass exchange between water and sediment.
