Progressive Judaism

Under the Progressive Judaism refers to all those currents of Judaism that do not understand the revelation of the written and oral law ( Torah, Mishnah and Talmud ) as " on Sinai dictated word for word ," but as an ongoing process over a longer period. In contrast to orthodox Judaism the doctrine is understood as a kind of " recording of the meetings of the people of Israel with God " or "Protocol of getting to know " the religious scriptures are historical- critical research, therefore, not withdrawn. In this sense, means " progressive" so " progressive " ( and not " progressive" ), as the revelation of God is understood as an ongoing process in which each generation has its share.

For progressive Judaism Liberal Judaism (that is referred to, particularly in North America as Reform Judaism ) and counted the rekonstruktionistische Judaism, which are combined in the World Union for Progressive Judaism. The progressive Judaism is close to Conservative Judaism, which also belongs to the non - Orthodox directions in Judaism. The merger of municipalities and associations of the more traditionally oriented conservative movement is the World Federation of Conservative Judaism Masorti Olami.
