Project Censored

Project Censored is a non-profit organization and a project for the promotion of investigative journalism within the " Sonoma State Foundation " in the United States. It is run by the social science faculty of Sonoma State University.

Project goal

According to her official website persecuted Project Censored published in independent / alternative journals and newsletters News. From these, the organization compiled one years list of 25 news articles of social concern, which have largely been " overlooked," it was reported insufficiently aware of the or the self-censorship by the main news channels were victims.

With their work, the group claims to protect the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States ( Freedom of Information ). The project is at the Uni- course " Sociology 435: Media censorship" built around that requires intensive research in library data beacon. Each student is encouraged to develop skills to discover and investigating messages, compiling their own reports for each year over 200 underilluminated topics written about by the group. A project goal is the development of a national, but anchored at the local level news - media network which will ensure a greater variety of information for the regional mainstream audiences at different levels. For this, support and promote journalists received, the faculty, and students in their project-related research.

According to the group should be a report which will be taken up by Project Censored, have the following characteristics:

The main sponsors are hundreds of individuals, Working Assets, Anita Roddick, The Body Shop, as well as various high -ranking office holder from the University of Sonoma State, particularly in the social science faculty.

Project Censored was founded in 1976 by Dr. Carl Jensen. He went in 1996 in board, since the project of Dr. Peter Phillips was headed.

Published works

Project Censored publishes an annual report in a paperback of the "Top 25 censored stories of the year. " Among the features of the book include the " junk food news ," comics from " Tom Tomorrow" Updates from previous top stories, essays and interviews. It is printed in the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK. Another project, For the Record, a weekly radio show, the treated under-represented topics, moderated by Pat Thurston.


Walter Cronkite says, " Project Censored is one of the organizations that we should listen to in order to ensure the exercise of a thorough and ethical journalism of our newspapers and news channels. ". Noam Chomsky is a supporter of the group.


Although the group never refers explicitly a political position, say some critics, almost every story is placed in the spotlight of Project Standard, have a "left " orientation: Reports that " Big Business ", economic inequality, environmental degradation, war, etc. have on the subject.

Project Censored and his supporters brought it before, conservatives would annually invited as a "judge", but reject the job for the most part; , have already been sufficiently addressed by the mainstream media that typical criticism of the " right wing " as the so-called "Big government"; and that Project Censored has in fact published article by The Spotlight, a conservative newspaper. Project Censored attempts observed by him biased coverage of the mainstream media to correct, because from their perspective, " any media distortion at the highest level of journalistic mostly favors the established political, economic and social power centers. "
