
Proletcult (Russian Пролеткульт ) is a short word from пролетарская культура ( Proletarskaja kultura - proletarian culture). It refers to a revolutionary cultural movement of the Russian October Revolution. Starting from the former Petrograd she tried 1917-1925, a culture of the new ruling proletarian class without any bourgeois influence to create. Here she took a radical epistemological standpoint theory. The main theorist was Alexander Bogdanov (1873-1928), other important representatives were Anatoly Lunacharsky W. (1875-1933), Alexei Gastew, Fyodor and Mikhail Kalinin Gerasimov. In the field of visual arts constructivism, in music and literature Futurism was initially determining.

Proletarian universities

Condition of the Proletarian Culture should be the Proletarian universities. Bogdanov thematized in Science and the working class to each other cases this relationship. In Capri he and Maxim Gorky tried to teach accordingly Russian factory worker in a school. The first All-Russian Conference of Proletcult organization on "Science and the working class " did on December 17, 1918 the following resolution out:

" The first All-Russian Conference of Proletarian Cultural and Enlightenment Organizations that considers science as a tool of the organization of social labor, which served also as a tool of those in power in the hands of the ruling class up to this point, but in the hands of the working class as a tool of their to serve social struggle, victory and structure, recognizes as a fundamental task in the scientific field, the socialization of science, ie:

Disputes with the cult of the proletariat

Soviet Union

Bogdanov had played an important role in the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Russia before the October Revolution and published with a " general science organization " an alternative epistemological design to dialectical materialism. The concept of the cult of the proletariat by Bogdanov, who was the most important theorists during the first phases of the Proletkultes, led to a tense relationship of Proletkult to the party.

Bogdanov's scientific worldview and his rationalism was of Lenin, among others, in his work " Materialism and Empiriocriticism. Accused Critical Remarks on a reactionary philosophy " (1908 ) as empiriokritizistisch and convicted. In 1920, he turned with its own draft resolution against the Proletcult organizations autonomy, since Marxism " the most valuable achievements of the bourgeois era far from rejecting ". In Lenin's draft goes on to say: The "Congress of the cult of the proletariat " " makes it on the contrary to all the organizations of the cult of the proletariat to the unconditional obligation to be regarded as auxiliary organs of the institutions of Volkskommisariats for education [ ... ] "

Leon Trotsky and AK Voronsky fought the cult of the proletariat movement. They argued that the proletariat would have to take the highest technical, artistic and scientific achievements of the bourgeoisie as these are universal for all mankind. Moreover, Trotsky argued that it was impossible for the proletariat to develop their own artistic forms until the proletariat has done its historic mission to surpass the international bourgeoisie.

The futuristic writer Sergei Tretyakov and Vladimir Mayakovsky worked in the early 1920s in the context of Vsevolod Meyerhold " 's First Workers' Theater of Proletkult ". However, a few years later they criticized to representatives of the Proletkult a tendency to want to create an independent party of the proletarian art. Although they called themselves - in distinction from the later socialist realism Stalin'scher embossing - a "revolution in art and art in the revolution," but the late Russian Proletcult they threw " cosmic mysticism " before.


The included by Antonio Gramsci in 1921 co-founded the Turin section of the Russian cult of the proletariat arose during the Turin council movement. She tried in the Futurists to find allies and also invited to be temporarily located with the fascists in conflict Futurist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.


In Germany, the discussion of the cult of the proletariat was led mainly by the magazine The action that very quickly opened after the November revolution the syndicalist currents. An influence of Proletkultes be found less in German Proletkultorganisationen that would form internationally at the suggestion of the 2nd Congress of the Communist International in 1920, but rather in the left bourgeois intelligentsia and the political theater of the Weimar Republic (for example, Erwin Piscator " Proletarian Theater" 1920/21 ) that addresses the agitation.
