Proof of Concept

In project management, is a proof of concept, referred to as Proof of Principle ( to German: proof of concept ), a milestone, where the basic feasibility of a project is occupied. In many cases, the positive or negative proof of concept is the result of a feasibility study. In general, the development of a prototype is connected to the proof of concept, usually having the core functionality required.

By means of a proof of concept can be minimized risks in the decision. In general, the following arguments are in the foreground:

  • Risk minimization as basis for decisions and budget
  • Validation of critical requirements for the application
  • Acceptance test the application in collaboration with manufacturers and partners.

The same term is also used in the field of computer security. In this environment, is seen as proof of concept, if a vulnerability is exploited by the discoverer, without any harmful function is triggered. It is proved by the fact that a security problem exists, so that the software vendor can not continue to deny this or not. The manufacturer will be put under pressure to act, to close the gap ( by a patch ), a serious security flaw can make an immediate hotfix required.

An example could be that it is possible to start the calculator program on a remote computer without that one is regularly authorized to start programs there. If successful, it is proven that a program start is possible; a malicious attacker could probably launch other programs and thus trigger damage.

  • Project Management