Proper name mark

The proper names underscore used in the Chinese writing (Chinese专 名号/专 名号, Pinyin zhuānmínghào ()) is a symbol of Chinese writing, which is used to proper names ( zhuānmíng ) - ie Personal names, place names / geographical names dynasty names, organization names, etc. - in the text indicated, and to make it more transparent.

For example, the sentence " I come from Germany. " In Chinese Chinese我 来自 德国. /我 来自 德国., Pinyin wǒ Laizi Deguo. written, with the name of the country (in this case Germany ) is underlined.

The underlining to indicate the proper name serves as a similar means as the capitalization in German and is predominantly in Chinese lexicons - used - such as the Cihai.

To identify separations in proper names in Chinese, see also the focal point.

  • Chinese Writing