
The forebrain ( forebrain ), the front part of the brain and the overall center of the plurality of processes in the central nervous system. It consists of

  • Telencephalon ( telencephalon ) and
  • Diencephalon ( diencephalon ).

Some anatomists and neuroscientists use the terms interchangeably forebrain and cerebrum, mostly is the " cerebral " but only the telencephalon understood.

The summary of Tel - and diencephalon to the forebrain results in addition to the close functional relationships also from embryology. The brain is formed initially as a bubble- like structure at the front end of the neural tube. Then a two - then a three- stage bladder develops through different growth first. The anterior bladder becomes the forebrain, midbrain to the middle, the rear for hindbrain. The front and rear bubble can be broken down in the further development again ( Five blister stage ) whereby the telencephalon and diencephalon and metencephalon arise ( with pons and cerebellum) and Myelencephalon.
