Providas romanorum

Providas Romanorum is a papal bull issued by Pope Benedict XIV, which he published on May 18, 1751. The pope confirmed the bull In eminenti Apostolatus specula of Pope Clement XII. and turns, like his predecessor, against Freemasonry, he forbids any Catholic Christians dealing with Freemasons.

Excommunication and the Inquisition

  • In the bull he called the lodges as secret societies whose meetings are only intended to spread in all directions and violate existing laws. Under threat of excommunication he again underlines the threats of his predecessor, he calls upon all Catholics to any contact with these sects to be omitted. The excommunication successes without further explanation and would have until the death of their validity.
  • He commands the bishops, the priests and the whole higher clergy every heretical wickedness, to punish at any place and any place with the Inquisition. The heretics are to be fixed and we should deprive them of their assets.